Wholesale Bedding Plant Information

Certified organic nursery plugs; heirloom; open-pollinated; custom grown plug trays; nursery flats for resale. Vegetables, flowers, perennials, medicinal herbs, culinary herbs.

About Our Greenhouse and Nursery Business

Appalachian Seeds is a sustainable family farm business offering a wide selection of certified organic heirloom plants and tomato seeds for sale to customers in Western NC and across the U.S. We have been growing and selling unusual and gourmet heirloom and open pollinated varieties since 1997. Tomatoes have been our specialty, but we also offer many unique vegetables, herbs and perennials. Please see our lists of plants that we are growing for wholesale bedding plant sales this spring.

morganton greenhouses


We grow all our certified organic wholesale bedding plants using potting mix made on farm with compost, kelp and other natural minerals, and fertilizing with fish and seaweed emulsion. Only accepted organic pest controls are used when needed. These may include Soaps, Oils, Neem, Bt, and beneficial insects. Further, we use biodynamic practices and products to reduce the harmful effects even organic products pose to beneficial insects and honeybees.

Our Wholesale Bedding Plant Sizes, Availability and Delivery

Plants for resale are grown in 3 ½" pots and sold in flats of 18 or 4 pack containers sold in flats of 12.

All pots are individually labeled and bar coded and each flat has a stake with our description of the variety.

Custom grown plug trays for farms and gardens: We can grow out your plug trays with varieties that you choose. Trays sizes from 50 cell to 128 cells. Most prices between $30-$40. Call or email for details. We are one of the only certified organic suppliers of plug trays in our area.

Plants will be available to our customers from early March through October. Delivery is available, and is free within 60 miles with an order of 10 flats or more.


For best selection and availability, please order as early as possible.

To discuss prices and terms, or to arrange wholesale bedding plant delivery, contact us at seeds@appalachianseeds.com  cart for delivery




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